What is a Motorized Mobility Scooter or Gopher?

Mobility ScooterMobility scooters (or ‘gophers’ or’ buggies’ as they are sometimes called), are electric and battery powered chairs that are specially built to transport people who have mobility problems such as difficulty in walking.

Becoming increasingly popular, mobility scooters are best suited to people who are mobile enough to operate a vehicle but are challenged when walking distances possibly because of a disability, a health problem, age, or because of a lack of confidence in driving a car or other larger vehicle.

They are great for helping users move from place to place with ease, and because they can travel on many different types of terrain, they also help to access areas that would normally be difficult to reach.  They enable a greater level of independence for things like shopping and social activities, and both short and long journeys can be completed in comfort and style.

Scooters range from small, compact vehicles for indoors, to medium sized and larger models which are designed more for outdoors and rougher terrains.

Usually you will find that mobility scooters have a seat that sits over three or four wheels, and there are even some models that now have five wheels.  They come with a flat area for the feet, a seat that swivels to assist you in getting on and off your scooter, and they have handle bars and a steering column or tiller which steers the scooter and which contains the controls.

One or two batteries are stored on board the scooter and they power the scooter’s electric motor.  Charging the batteries is done via either an on-board or separate unit, which is plugged into standard electric power.

Electric mobility scooters are easy to operate and very quiet, and can glide quite easily over a variety of different terrains.  This makes them ideal for outside activities as well as for use inside.  Which is the right model for you will depend on your individual and personal requirements.  However as electric mobility scooters are available in a wide range of sizes and models, there is sure to be one that will suit your specific needs.

In addition to the great amount of independence a mobility scooter can give you, a major reason many people purchase mobility scooters is that they do not look like a disability device or wheelchair.  It is also very easy to accessorize your scooter.  A variety of accessories and aids are available to make your journey easy and pleasurable and provide you with added safety and security.

They are generally more affordable that specialized wheelchairs, which enables them to be procured as a cheaper and more flexible alternative, and manufacturers are now modifying the style and look of scooters so they appeal to a broader range of users. There are now models which look like small cars and others that look like motorcycles.  There are even dual seated scooters allowing two people to travel together.

This website aims to help you decide whether a scooter is what you need, and if so, what type you should go for.  Use the quick guide below to get an idea of what to think about, or look at our detailed information if you want to find out more.

Our mobility scooter checklist  can also help you work out what to look out for and will provide you with top tips and important information you can use before spending any money.

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